2. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was based on the principle of

a. free trade
b. collective security
c. appeasement
d. isolationism

4. One sign that the economy might be weakening in the 1920s was
a. the failure of many rural banks
b. underproduction of consumer goods
c. an increase in personal savings
d. the collapse of large corporation

12. During the Cold War, a major goal of the United States policy in Latin America was to
a. build nuclear weapons bases in Central America
b. encourage the countries of Latin America to join the United Nations
c. protect American financial investments in Latin America
d. prevent Fidel Castro from taking over Cuba

16. What did President Truman promise in the Truman Doctrine?
a. to support nations trying to resist Soviet control
b. to fight hunger anywhere in the world
c. to enforce the American foreign policy of brinkmanship
d. to reject the former policy of containment


I agree with all of your answers, MC. :-)

Thanks! :D


Your answers are correct:

2. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was based on the principle of collective security. (b)

4. One sign that the economy might be weakening in the 1920s was the failure of many rural banks. (a)

12. During the Cold War, a major goal of the United States policy in Latin America was to protect American financial investments in Latin America. (c)

16. President Truman promised in the Truman Doctrine to support nations trying to resist Soviet control. (a)

Well done!

For question 2, the correct answer is b. collective security. NATO, which was established in 1949, is an intergovernmental military alliance composed of 30 North American and European countries. It was founded on the principle of collective security, meaning that an attack on one member is considered an attack on all, and therefore, all members are obligated to respond and provide assistance.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options a, c, and d by recognizing that they are not related to the main purpose or principles of NATO. Then, you can refer to your knowledge or do some research on the founding principles of NATO, which will lead you to the correct answer.

For question 4, the correct answer is a. the failure of many rural banks. The weakening of the economy in the 1920s was signaled by various factors, including the failure of many rural banks. This was due to factors such as overproduction and falling agricultural prices, which led to a decrease in farmers' income and their ability to repay loans.

To reach this answer, you can eliminate options b, c, and d by recognizing that they do not align with signs of a weakening economy. Then, you can recall or look up the economic conditions of the 1920s, which will point you towards the correct answer.

For question 12, the correct answer is c. protect American financial investments in Latin America. During the Cold War, the United States had a major goal of protecting its financial investments in Latin America. This included ensuring stability and favorable business conditions to safeguard American economic interests in the region.

To determine the correct answer, you can eliminate options a, b, and d by recognizing that they are not directly related to the United States' policy goals in Latin America. Then, you can think about the United States' interests and actions during the Cold War or do some research on U.S. foreign policy in Latin America during that time, which will lead you to the correct answer.

For question 16, the correct answer is a. to support nations trying to resist Soviet control. In the Truman Doctrine, President Truman promised to provide political, military, and economic aid to countries threatened by communism or under Soviet influence. This policy aimed to contain the spread of communism and support nations in resisting Soviet control.

To determine the correct answer, you can eliminate options b, c, and d by recognizing that they do not accurately describe the Truman Doctrine. Then, you can recall or research the main components and objectives of the Truman Doctrine, which will lead you to the correct answer.