◦Identify the components of a well-defined performance management system.

◦How do they tie together to support organizational performance? Explain.
◦Which are most appropriate for Lansing-Smith? Why?
◦How will the new program be communicated to employees? Explain.
◦What type of training will need to be provided for managers? Why?
◦What additional issues or challenges need to be considered with the implementation of this program? Why?

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

I am trying to put together a powerpoint presentation. I must have 10 slides address each of these areas, and I really am not understanding the topic. If you could help me with understanding an some ideas on how to present this topic that would be great.

Your topic is a good performance management system. You should make one or two slides covering each of the points above.

These sites may help you.


Thanks Ms. Sue I will do some research and get back to you if I need some more help. I really appreciate it very much.

You're welcome, Holly.

To answer these questions, we need to understand the key components of a performance management system. A well-defined performance management system typically includes the following components:

1. Goal Setting: This involves the process of setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for employees. By aligning individual goals with organizational objectives, employees are motivated and focused on the desired outcomes.

To support organizational performance, goal setting ensures that employees understand what is expected of them, and their individual efforts contribute to the overall success of the organization.

2. Performance Measurement: This component involves regularly monitoring and measuring employee performance against the established goals and expectations. It could include quantitative metrics such as sales targets, customer satisfaction scores, or qualitative measures such as feedback from peers or supervisors.

Performance measurement allows organizations to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to enhance overall performance.

3. Feedback and Coaching: Providing regular feedback and coaching is essential for employees' growth and development. Managers should communicate performance expectations, provide ongoing support, and offer constructive feedback to help employees improve their performance.

Feedback and coaching ensure that employees are aligned with organizational standards and enable them to enhance their skills and competencies, ultimately contributing to overall organizational performance.

4. Performance Appraisal: This component involves formal assessments of employees' performance against predefined criteria, usually conducted on an annual or periodic basis. Performance appraisals provide a comprehensive assessment of an employee's strengths, areas for development, and potential for growth.

By identifying areas of improvement and recognizing exceptional performance, performance appraisals facilitate individual development, reward high performers, and align employees' contributions with the organization's goals.

5. Training and Development: The performance management system should include provisions for training and development opportunities to enhance employees' skills, knowledge, and abilities. This component ensures that employees have the necessary tools and resources to perform their roles effectively.

Training and development contribute to organizational performance by enabling employees to acquire new skills or improve existing ones, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.

Now, let's apply this understanding to Lansing-Smith:

For Lansing-Smith, the most appropriate components of a performance management system would depend on their organizational goals, culture, and specific needs. However, considering that Lansing-Smith is aiming to improve overall performance, all the aforementioned components would be relevant.

To communicate the new performance management program to employees, a multi-faceted approach can be employed, including town hall meetings, email announcements, training sessions, and informative materials. It is essential to ensure that every employee receives clear and consistent information about the program.

Managers will require training on how to effectively implement and utilize the performance management system. This training can include workshops, seminars, or online courses that cover goal-setting techniques, providing constructive feedback, conducting fair and objective appraisals, and effective coaching methods. This training will equip managers with the skills and knowledge necessary to support and drive employee performance.

During the implementation of the program, some potential challenges may arise, such as resistance from employees, lack of clear communication, or reluctance on the part of managers to embrace the system. These issues need to be anticipated and addressed through clear communication, ongoing training and support, and regular feedback channels. By addressing these challenges proactively, the implementation process is more likely to be successful and drive organizational performance.