What is 25% of $20.00. What is the total cost of the item?

I multiplied 20 x .25 and my answer was 5.00 Then I subtracted 5.00 from 20.00 making my final answer $15.00 for the item. Please tell me if this is correct.

That's correct -- if you're asking about an item that originally was $20 and now is on sale at 25% off.

If it was 25percent off, you are right.

Thank you so much.

Your calculation is incorrect. To find 25% of $20.00, you need to multiply $20.00 by 0.25. The result is $5.00. However, this is just the amount of the discount, not the final cost of the item.

To calculate the total cost of the item after the 25% discount, you need to subtract the discount from the original price. So you would subtract $5.00 from $20.00.

$20.00 - $5.00 = $15.00

Therefore, the correct answer is $15.00 for the item after the 25% discount.