I was given this by my teacher for extra credit

1 _ _ _ _ _ 1 _
the blanks are numbers from 0-9 excluding 1 since it was given. I need to know how many possible combinations are left and if there is a good website that will generate all the combinations. (The numbers in the blank do not repeat)

To determine the number of possible combinations for the given pattern, we need to find the number of options for each blank and then multiply them together.

In this case, the blanks can be filled with numbers from 0 to 9 excluding 1. Since there are 10 numbers in total (0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), we have 9 options for each blank.

The total number of possible combinations can be calculated by raising 9 to the power of the number of blanks (in this case, 7), giving us 9^7.

To find a website that generates all the combinations, you can use an online combination generator tool. There are several websites available that offer combination generators. One such website is mathsisfun.com, which provides a combination calculator for solving these types of problems. Simply input the number of options (9) and the number of blanks (7), and the website will generate all possible combinations for you.

Note: Make sure to double-check the generated combinations as the website's output may not consider the restriction of not repeating numbers.