I solved the following question:

"A ball is launched from the top of a 320 m high building at 50 m/s at an
angle of 37 degrees to the horizontal. For the first 10 seconds of flight,
make a table of the vertical position from the ground versus time similar
to the one below using Excel. Use excel to graph the vertical position on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis for this 10 second time interval. Add a trend line and i ts equation. What does the equation say about the acceleration of the object?"

How do I find the formula for the trend line and what does it say about acceleration.

To find the equation for the trend line in Excel and determine the acceleration of the object, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Excel and create a table with two columns: "Time" and "Vertical Position."
2. In the Time column, enter the time values for the first 10 seconds. For example, you can enter 0, 1, 2, 3,..., 10 seconds.
3. In the Vertical Position column, calculate the vertical position of the ball at each time interval. To do this, you need to use the kinematic equation for vertical motion:

Vertical Position = Initial Vertical Position + Initial Velocity * Time + (1/2) * Acceleration * Time^2

In this case, the initial vertical position is 320 meters (height of the building), the initial velocity is 50 m/s (launch velocity), and the acceleration is gravity (-9.8 m/s^2). Apply this equation to calculate the vertical position for each time interval.

4. Once you have entered the values for time and vertical position, you can use Excel's charting feature to create a scatter plot graph. Select both columns, go to the "Insert" tab, and choose the scatter plot graph type.
5. After creating the graph, right-click on one of the data points on the graph and select "Add Trendline." In the Format Trendline pane, choose a suitable trendline type (linear, polynomial, etc.).
6. Scroll down in the Format Trendline pane to find the equation of the trendline. The equation should be displayed, showing the relationship between time (x) and vertical position (y).
7. Analyze the equation to determine what it says about the acceleration of the object. In the context of the problem, the equation of the trendline should include the term for acceleration.

For example, if the equation of the trendline is in the form y = mx + c, where m is the slope (which represents the acceleration) and c is the y-intercept, then the value of m would provide information about the acceleration. If m is positive, it indicates upward acceleration, while a negative value for m would indicate downward acceleration.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the equation of the trendline in Excel and determine what it says about the acceleration of the object.