For my essay I have to write about a character in Middlemarch by George Eliot and explain how the character is brought to life. How does she (the author) introduce, develop, and represent the character? I'm thinking about writing about Dorothea or Causabon, but I have no idea what to write about.

Read various articles about CHARACTERIZATION, which is what you're going to write about.

Plan and write your paper concentrating on specific places in the story where the author clearly is developing this character. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT SIMPLY RETELL THE STORY.

Let us know what you come up with.

To write about how George Eliot brings a character to life in Middlemarch, it's helpful to follow a structured approach. Let's break down the essay writing process and explore potential points of focus for Dorothea Brooke or Edward Causabon.

1. Introduction:
Start your essay with a brief overview of Middlemarch as a novel, mentioning George Eliot's writing style and her approach to character development.

2. Character Introduction:
Explain how George Eliot introduces the character of your choice (Dorothea or Causabon) to the readers. Look for clues in their initial appearances, physical descriptions, thoughts, or actions. Discuss how the author presents their personalities or any contrasting traits they possess.

3. Character Development:
Analyze the ways in which George Eliot develops the chosen character throughout the novel. Focus on how their personality evolves, motives change, or relationships with other characters develop over time. Look for instances where the author provides insight into their inner thoughts or feelings, as this can reveal a deeper understanding of their character.

4. Representation:
Examine how the chosen character is represented within the broader context of Middlemarch. Consider how they contribute to the themes, ideas, or social commentary within the novel. Look for instances where their actions or beliefs exemplify larger societal issues or human experiences.

5. Supporting Evidence:
To strengthen your essay, provide evidence from the novel to support your analysis. Use direct quotes or specific examples from Middlemarch to illustrate the author's techniques in bringing the character to life. These examples will help you better analyze George Eliot's writing style and character portrayal.

6. Conclusion:
Summarize your findings and highlight the key points discussed in your essay. You could also offer some personal reflections on the chosen character and the impact they have on the overall narrative of Middlemarch.

Remember, when choosing between Dorothea and Causabon, consider which character interests you more or whom you think has a more significant impact on the novel's themes. Reading and taking notes on relevant sections concerning the character of your choice will help solidify your understanding and analysis.

Good luck with your essay!