I need to find some kind of song written after 1990 about geology. It have to do with any part of geology but it just had to be written after 1990. any suggestions about where i might be able to find something like this?



To find a song written after 1990 about geology, you could start by searching on music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music. Here's how you can do it on Spotify:

1. Open the Spotify app or website (www.spotify.com).
2. In the search bar, type in keywords like "geology song," "earth science song," or "rock song" to narrow down the search.
3. Once you see search results, you can filter them by selecting the "Songs" option to only see tracks that match your criteria.
4. Sort the results by release date to find songs released after 1990. This option might be available by selecting the "Sort by..." or "Sort" dropdown menu, depending on the platform version.
5. Browse through the list and look for song titles or artists that suggest a connection to geology. You can also click on songs to listen to previews or the full tracks if available.

Additionally, you could try searching on websites dedicated to science or geology-related topics. One option is the website "Nature Science" which has a specific page dedicated to geology songs, including ones created after 1990. The link you provided (http://www.naturescience.org/RollingRock.html) seems to be a good starting point.

Remember that popularity and availability of songs can vary across platforms and regions. So, it might be worth exploring different platforms and searching using various keywords to increase your chances of finding a suitable song.