is there anywhere that i can read the crucible on the internet because i left my book??

Because this play's copyright was renewed in 1982, you won't find the entire text online.

The best you're going to do is to look it up at Wikipedia and/or Google Books. Sparknotes and Classic Notes will also help, but they are not the text itself -- they are interpretations and summaries by other people -- and while those have their uses, they are not the original.

okay thank you soo much

Yes, there are several places where you can read "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller online for free. Here's how you can find it:

1. Project Gutenberg: Visit the Project Gutenberg website (, which offers over 60,000 free eBooks. Search for "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller in the search bar, and you should find a free digital version of the play.

2. Online Library Archives: Many public libraries have digital collections where you can access eBooks and other resources for free. Visit your local library's website and see if they offer access to online eBook databases. Look for platforms like OverDrive, Libby, or Hoopla. Search for "The Crucible" to see if it's available.

3. Open Library: Open Library ( is an online platform that provides access to a vast collection of books, including "The Crucible." Create a free account and search for the book to read it online.

4. Google Books: Use the Google Books website ( to search for "The Crucible." While not all books are available in their entirety, you may be able to find portions of "The Crucible" to read online.

Remember to respect copyright laws and ensure that the source you choose offers the book legally and for free.