Can somebody help me solve this problem?

Simplify and evaluate the expression for y = 0, z = -1.5.

-0.8z +0.005z(-0.001y - 3.1 + (-1.5z + 3))

-0.8*-1.5 + 0.005*-1.5(-0.001*0-3.1 +

(-1.5*-1.5 + 3)),
1.2 + -.0075(0 -3.1 + (2.25 + 3)),
1.2 - 0.0075(-3.1 + 5.25),
1.2 - 0.0075*2.15,
1.2 - 0.016125,



I recommend getting a TI-34 Multiview calculator.... Best one yet(:

Sure, I can help you solve this problem! To simplify and evaluate the expression for given values of y and z, let's substitute the given values into the expression and simplify it step by step.

Given expression: -0.8z + 0.005z(-0.001y - 3.1 + (-1.5z + 3))

Substitute y = 0 and z = -1.5 into the expression:

-0.8(-1.5) + 0.005(-1.5)(-0.001(0) - 3.1 + (-1.5(-1.5) + 3))

Now, let's simplify each part of the expression:

-0.8(-1.5) = 1.2
-0.001(0) = 0
-1.5(-1.5) = 2.25

Substituting these values back into the expression:

1.2 + 0.005(-1.5)(0 - 3.1 + (2.25 + 3))

Now, simplify the inner parentheses first:

1.2 + 0.005(-1.5)(0 - 3.1 + 5.25)

Continue simplifying:

1.2 + 0.005(-1.5)(2.15)

Multiply the numbers inside the parentheses:

1.2 + 0.005(-3.225)

Now, multiply the remaining numbers:

1.2 - 0.016125

Finally, subtract:


So, when y = 0 and z = -1.5, the simplified and evaluated expression is approximately y = 1.183875.