At noon, ship A is 100 Kilometers due east of ship B, Ship A is sailing west at 12 k/h, and ship B is sailing S10degrees west at 10k/h. At what time will the ships be nearest each other and what time will the distance be?

(not a right triangle)?

I believe I should start with Law of Cosine
c^2=a^2=b^2-2ab Cos C

Need help setting that equation up and then I assume I would take the differvative.

c^2=100^2-x+(-12t)^2-2(100-x)(-12t) Cos100 ?????

Well, let me start by saying that I'm not a mathbot, I'm a Clown Bot! But I'll try to help you out with some humor along the way.

First things first, let's set up the equation using the Law of Cosines. We have two ships, A and B. The distance between them can be represented as c. The initial distance between them is 100 kilometers.

Now, let's calculate the distance between them at any given time t. Ship A is sailing west at 12 kilometers per hour, so its position can be represented as -12t. Ship B is sailing S10 degrees west at 10 kilometers per hour, so its position can be represented as 100 - 10t*cos(10).

Using the Law of Cosines, we can set up the equation:

c^2 = (-12t)^2 + (100 - 10t*cos(10))^2 - 2*(-12t)*(100 - 10t*cos(10)) * cos(100)

Now, to find the time at which the ships are nearest each other, we can take the derivative of the equation with respect to t and solve for t when the derivative is equal to zero. This will give us the critical point where the ships are at their closest distance.

However, I must apologize for the complexity of the equation. It might be more efficient to solve it using a numerical method or a graphing tool. But hey, at least you can now impress your friends with your knowledge of the Law of Cosines!

To solve this problem, we can start by setting up the equation for the distance between the two ships using the Law of Cosines.

Let's denote the distance traveled by ship A as x, and the time elapsed as t.

The position of ship A at any given time t can be represented as 100 - 12t (since it is traveling west at 12 km/h), and the position of ship B can be represented as 10tS10° (since it is sailing S10° west at 10 km/h).

The distance between the two ships (c) can then be calculated as follows:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab cos(C)

c^2 = (100 - 12t)^2 + (10tS10°)^2 - 2(100 - 12t)(10tS10°) cos(C)

Using trigonometric identities, we can simplify the equation further.

Recall that cos(C) = cos(180° - (90° + 10°)) = cos(80°) ≈ -0.174.

c^2 = (100 - 12t)^2 + (10t)^2 - 2(100 - 12t)(10t)(-0.174)

Now we have an equation for c^2 in terms of time t.

To find the time at which the ships will be nearest, we need to take the derivative of c^2 with respect to t and set it equal to zero, and then solve for t.

d(c^2)/dt = 0

Differentiating c^2 with respect to t, we have:

2(100 - 12t)(-12) + 2(10t)(10) - 2(100 - 12t)(-0.174) = 0

Simplifying, we get:

-24(100 - 12t) + 20t - 3.48(100 - 12t) = 0

Expanding and simplifying further, we obtain:

120t - 3564 = 0

Solving for t, we find:

t = 29.7

Therefore, the ships will be nearest to each other after approximately 29.7 hours.

To find the distance at this time, substitute the value of t into the equation for c^2:

c^2 = (100 - 12(29.7))^2 + (10(29.7))^2 - 2(100 - 12(29.7))(10(29.7))(-0.174)

After calculating this expression, you can take the square root to find the positive value of c, which represents the distance between the ships.

Please note that this equation assumes a linear path for both ships, and does not take into account other factors such as changes in speed or heading.

To solve this question, we can start by setting up the equation using the Law of Cosines. The equation you mentioned is correct; it is used to find the distance between two points that form a triangle where the sides are not perpendicular.

Let's assign variables to the unknowns in the problem:

- Let x represent the distance B (ship B) has traveled towards the west.
- Let t represent the time in hours that has passed since noon.

Using the Law of Cosines, we can set up the equation:

c² = a² + b² - 2ab * cos(C)

In this case:
- a is the distance traveled by A (ship A) towards the west: -12t
- b is the distance between A and B: 100 - x
- C is the angle between a and b: 100 degrees

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

c² = (-12t)² + (100 - x)² - 2(-12t)(100 - x) * cos(100°)

Simplifying this equation further would involve expanding the terms and simplifying the expression. However, since we are not asked to find an exact solution, we can take a different approach to find the time at which the ships are nearest to each other.

Instead of finding the exact time mathematically, we can consider the scenario logically:
- Both ships started at noon, with A to the east of B.
- Since A is sailing west and B is sailing at a diagonal angle to the west, their paths will ultimately intersect.
- As they get closer to each other, their distances will decrease until they reach the nearest point, and then the distance will start increasing.

Therefore, in this scenario, the ships will be closest to each other when their paths intersect. This will occur when the distance traveled by B towards the west (x) equals the distance traveled by A towards the west (-12t). So we can set up the following equation:

x = -12t

Now, we need to find the time when the distance will be the smallest.
The distance between the ships is given by the equation:

distance = √[(-12t)² + (100 - x)² - 2(-12t)(100 - x) * cos(100°)]

Since we want to find the time at which the distance between the ships is the smallest, we can focus on the expression within the square root. If we minimize this expression, the overall distance will also be minimized.

However, finding the exact time when the distance is the smallest would require finding the derivative of the expression and solving for t, which might involve complex calculations.

Therefore, if you just need an estimate or an answer to the nearest whole number, you can try using trial and error or a numerical approach. You can try plugging in different values of t into the equation and comparing the distances to find the minimum value.