Please help with my sentences,ect. Thanks!

What comes to mind when you hear the words Justice and Unjust? The word Justice means the equality of being justice, in other words doing what is right, fairness and equality.

While Unjust is unfair treatment and untruthful. In other words lack of fairness, violation of another. Unjust is for instance, taking your property based on lies, violating your human rights. Like neglecting a patient that is need of help and leaving them unwashed and not feeding them properly.

While Justice is not sending an innocent person to jail until proven guilty or parents dealing with their children justly when giving them cadies or talking to them.

Justice and justice are not alike; they both differentiate in terms, yet both are used by people in their every day lives.

Most of your "sentences" are not sentences but are fragments.

You mean I need to separate them with periods? Thanks

No. A sentence fragment is not a complete sentence.

This is a fragment. To correct it, omit the word "while."

While Unjust is unfair treatment and untruthful.

Study these sites carefully.

reaarangee m sentence

Sure! Here's a revised version of your sentences:

"What comes to mind when you hear the words Justice and Unjust? The word Justice means the equality of being just, in other words, doing what is right, fairness, and equality. Unjust, on the other hand, refers to unfair treatment and untruthfulness. It implies a lack of fairness and the violation of another person's rights. For example, it could involve taking someone's property through lies or neglecting the needs of a helpless patient by not providing proper care.

While Justice ensures that innocent individuals are not wrongly imprisoned before being proven guilty, it also applies to everyday situations, such as parents treating their children fairly when giving them treats or talking to them.

Justice and unjust are not interchangeable terms; they have different meanings and are used by people in their everyday lives."

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to ask.