Brad wonders if he will have a problem later in life with alcoholism. His father is an alcoholic and his great-grandfather had problems holding a job due to his drinking habits. After reading this lesson, Brad believes that a/an __________ study would give him the best information.

I chose D. Am I right?

I'm not sure. Check your text for descriptions of both sociobiological and linkage studies.

After reading again, I believe it is linkage.

I think linkage is better.

the answer is not A

Yes, you are correct. Brad believes that a sociobiological study would give him the best information regarding his potential risk for alcoholism later in life. Sociobiology is a field of study that examines the social behavior of organisms, including humans, in an evolutionary context. It explores how biology and genetics can influence individual and group behaviors, including factors such as genetic predispositions to certain behaviors, including alcoholism. Therefore, a sociobiological study would be the most relevant in this situation to gain insights into the potential impact of Brad's family history on his own susceptibility to alcoholism.