How would a utilitarian approach cause someone to make a different decision in certain cases. Can you think of cases in which a decision made would be different based on the ethical approach a person takes?

"utilitarian approach" to what??

different from what?

in certain cases = ??

"ethical approach" = ??

A utilitarian approach to ethics is based on the principle of maximizing overall utility or happiness for the greatest number of people. This approach considers the consequences of actions and seeks to choose the option that produces the greatest overall happiness or minimizes overall suffering.

In certain cases, a utilitarian approach may lead to different decisions compared to other ethical approaches. Here are a few examples:

1. Trolley Problem: Imagine a scenario where a runaway trolley is approaching a group of five people tied to the tracks. You have the option to pull a lever that diverts the trolley onto a different track, but unfortunately, there is one person tied to that track. A utilitarian would argue that pulling the lever is the morally right decision since it saves the lives of five people at the expense of one.

2. Organ Transplants: Consider a situation where a doctor has five patients with failing organs, each needing a different organ transplant to survive. There is a healthy person in the waiting room who matches all five patients. A utilitarian standpoint may prioritize the greatest overall happiness or well-being and argue for sacrificing the healthy person to harvest their organs to save the lives of the five patients.

3. COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution: When it comes to the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, utilitarian ethics might prioritize vaccinating the most vulnerable and at-risk populations first, rather than based on individual preferences or social status. This approach aims to minimize overall suffering and death by prioritizing those who are most likely to experience severe illness or death from the virus.

It's important to note that utilitarian ethics has its share of criticisms, as it can sometimes neglect individual rights or overlook other important ethical considerations. Different ethical approaches, such as deontological ethics (which focuses on following moral duties and principles) or virtue ethics (which emphasizes character traits), may lead to different decisions in these cases. Ethical decision-making is complex and can vary depending on the underlying ethical framework used.