the larer of two numbers is 23. if three times the larger is 5 more than eight times the smaller ,find the smaller number




To solve this problem, we'll use algebra to represent the information given. Let's assign variables to the two numbers:

Let x be the smaller number.
Let y be the larger number.

We know the larger number is 23, so y = 23.

The problem states that three times the larger number is 5 more than eight times the smaller number. We can translate this into an equation:

3y = 8x + 5

Substituting y with 23, we have:

3(23) = 8x + 5


69 = 8x + 5

Next, we'll isolate the variable x to solve for the smaller number.

Subtracting 5 from both sides of the equation:

69 - 5 = 8x

64 = 8x

Dividing both sides by 8:

x = 8

Therefore, the smaller number is 8.