Thanks for the help on putting up fence. I need help with starting general information (Background on illegal immigration& putting fence) How can I start with the background information on putting up fence? is it approiate using "THey or It is said? I just need an idea to start sentence. Thanks for ur help!

"THey or It is said" are very weak ways of starting a sentence, especially if "they" doesn't have a recognizable antecedent.

The background of the fence is the numbers of illegal immigrants who came across this border. What was the effect of this illegal immigration? Stick with the facts, not the vague beliefs and feelings of "them."

Ms. Sue is right -- deal only with facts. You'll have to be careful, though, because there are no hard and fast numbers about illegal immigrants. There are estimates, but you will probably find that one set of estimates (numbers crossing, dollars earned, dollars paid or not paid in taxes, etc.) differs quite a bit from another source's numbers.

Here is a good source for most things:
Be sure to make use of their search feature if you don't find a particular entity in the A-Z or other places here where you can select from a list.

Thanks you guys!

When starting with the background information on putting up a fence, it is appropriate to use phrases such as "It is said" or "They say" as long as you attribute the information to a credible source. An effective way to start a sentence could be "According to experts in the field, it is said that..." or "They say that putting up a fence has been a common solution for addressing various issues related to..." By referencing credible sources or general knowledge, you can provide a solid foundation for your discussion on putting up a fence.