Need help with these---

28. Alloys are
a. elements
b. compounds
c. mixtures

38. Alpha rays are really
a. electrons
b. helium nuclei
c. electromagnetic waves


I don't know how to answer 28. Alloys may be mixtures, they may form eutectic mixtures (which have compositions like compounds), or they may be solid solutions. I suppose the answer to this question is C.

For 38, alpha rays are not rays at all, but helium nuclei. Beta rays are not rays but electrons. Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation.



To determine the correct answer for each question, you can break down the options and analyze the properties of the given terms:

28. Alloys are:
a. elements: Elements are pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. Alloys are not elements because they are typically a combination of different elements.
b. compounds: Compounds are substances formed by the chemical combination of two or more different elements. Alloys are not compounds either because they usually consist of a mixture of elements rather than a chemical reaction between them.
c. mixtures: Mixtures are formed by combining two or more different substances, which may or may not react chemically. Alloys are indeed mixtures because they are created by combining different metals or a metal with a non-metal. For example, bronze is an alloy made by combining copper and tin.

Therefore, the correct answer for question 28 is c. mixtures.

38. Alpha rays are really:
a. electrons: Electrons are negatively charged subatomic particles. Alpha rays are not electrons since they are made up of a different type of particle.
b. helium nuclei: The nucleus of a helium atom consists of two protons and two neutrons. Alpha rays are indeed helium nuclei. They are commonly emitted during radioactive decay, specifically alpha decay.
c. electromagnetic waves: Electromagnetic waves include various forms of energy, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays. While some forms of electromagnetic waves can be emitted during radioactive decay, alpha rays are not electromagnetic waves.

Hence, the correct answer for question 38 is b. helium nuclei.