
the parenthesis mean absolute value

15 = 6 - 3│4p+9│

3│4p+9│ = -9
│4p+9│ = -3

This is a contradiction of the absolute value definition, so there is no solution

If you meant to write

15 = 6 -3|4p+9|,
that can be rewritten
9 = -3|4p+9|
-3 = |4p+9|
which is not possible, since an absolute value cannot be negative.

There is no solution.

To simplify the expression given, we need to apply the order of operations and handle the absolute value.

Step 1: Remove the absolute value brackets
The absolute value of any number is the positive value of that number. In this case, we can simply remove the absolute value brackets.

15 = 6 - 3/4p + 9/

Step 2: Combine like terms
Next, we need to simplify the expression by combining like terms. In this case, we have a numeric term on the left side (15) and numeric terms on the right side (6 and 9).

15 = 15/4p + 15

Step 3: Isolate the variable
To solve for p, we need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 15 from both sides of the equation.

15 - 15 = 15/4p + 15 - 15
0 = 15/4p

Step 4: Solve for p
To solve for p, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. In this case, p is being divided by 15/4. To remove the division, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 15/4, which is 4/15.

0 * (4/15) = (15/4p) * (4/15)

0 = 1p

Therefore, the solution for p is 0.