like i only got the first one when 16/16=1 that is 2^0 that is a power of two can you help me with the rest?

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with the rest of your questions.

To determine if a number is a power of two, you can use the concept of logarithms. Logarithms can help us determine what power a base needs to be raised to in order to obtain a certain number.

For example, let's say we have the number 32 and we want to know if it is a power of two. We can use logarithms to solve this. We can ask ourselves, "What power does 2 need to be raised to in order to get 32?" The answer is 5, because 2^5 equals 32.

In general, the process of determining if a number is a power of two involves taking the base 2 logarithm of the number and checking if the result is an integer (whole number). If it is, then the number is a power of two.

Let's go through the other examples you provided to see if they are powers of two:

1. 8/8 = 1: To determine if 1 is a power of two, we take the base 2 logarithm of 1, which is 0. Since 0 is an integer, 1 is indeed a power of two.

2. 128/64 = 2: We take the base 2 logarithm of 2, which is approximately 1. This is not an integer, so 2 is not a power of two.

3. 1024/256 = 4: We take the base 2 logarithm of 4, which is 2. Since 2 is an integer, 4 is a power of two.

Therefore, out of the examples you provided, 1 and 4 are powers of two.