For three consecutive passes the football team gained 10 yards and then loses 23 yards and then gains 47 yards. What is the total net yardage?

10 + 47 - 23 = ?

I had the answer 34 I just wanted to know if I had done it correct. Thank you.

You're welcome.

on three consecutive passes a football team gains 9 yards, loses 10, and gains 16 yards what number represents the total net yardage?

To find the total net yardage, we need to add up the gains and losses of yardage.

The football team gained 10 yards on the first pass. So far, the net yardage is +10.

On the second pass, the team loses 23 yards. Adding this to the net yardage, we have +10 - 23 = -13.

On the third pass, the team gains 47 yards. Adding this to the net yardage, we have -13 + 47 = +34.

Therefore, the total net yardage for the three consecutive passes is 34 yards.