Where do we get our ethical standards from?

Our ethical standards have come down through the ages. One of the original is the Golden Rule, found in the ethics of most societies.

Individually, we get our ethical standards from our parents and our peers.


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Our ethical standards are typically influenced by a combination of various factors, such as culture, society, religion, personal beliefs, and individual experiences. The source of ethical standards may differ from person to person.

If you want to explore the origins of ethical standards, you can consider the following approaches:

1. Cultural and societal influence: Ethical standards often emerge from the collective values, norms, and traditions of a particular culture or society. They reflect the shared beliefs and expectations of a community and guide individuals on what is considered right or wrong behavior within that context. To understand the ethical standards of a specific culture, you can study its history, cultural practices, and moral philosophies.

2. Religious influence: For many people, religious teachings and doctrines are a significant source of ethical standards. Different religions provide moral guidance and codes of conduct that define ethical behavior. Exploring religious texts, doctrines, and traditions can help in understanding the ethical standards derived from religious beliefs.

3. Philosophical perspectives: Ethical standards have been developed and debated for centuries by philosophers through various ethical theories. These theories, such as utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and consequentialism, provide frameworks for understanding and evaluating ethical principles. Studying different philosophical perspectives can help in understanding the foundation and reasoning behind ethical standards.

4. Personal reflection and experience: Ethical standards can also stem from personal reflection, critical thinking, and individual experiences. People often develop their own moral compass based on their sense of empathy, fairness, and personal values. Engaging in self-reflection and contemplating ethical dilemmas and life experiences can help shape one's ethical standards.

By considering these factors and exploring their influences, you can gain a deeper understanding of where our ethical standards potentially originate.