Would this example be representative

of a democratic parenting style?

A mother's eventual submission to her young child's repeated requests for the toy matchbox in the hobby shop.

I don't think so. This isn't democratic -- it's the parent giving in to a choice that she obviously didn't want to do.

A better example of democratic parenting is to give a young child simple choices, such as wearing his red or blue shirt today. Another example -- when the mother doesn't care which the child chooses would be to ask whether the child wanted green beans or peas with his dinner.

With older children, the parent might present two or three reasonable choices for a vacation and let the family decide by vote.

Which parenting style would it be?

a Victorian,democratic,authorian,or laissez faire parenting style?

I'd call it laissez-faire parenting. That means letting anything happen.

In order to determine if this example represents a democratic parenting style, we need to understand what a democratic parenting style entails.

Democratic parenting is characterized by open communication, mutual respect, and involvement in decision-making between parents and their children. It values the child's opinion and encourages their independence while providing guidance and boundaries.

In the example you provided, we see a mother eventually submitting to her child's repeated requests for a toy matchbox. This situation alone does not clearly signify a democratic parenting style. It could indicate permissiveness or indulgence, where the child's desires are consistently prioritized over other factors without healthy boundaries.

To better understand if this example aligns with a democratic parenting style, we would need more information about the overall parenting approach, the communication between the mother and child, and whether the mother considers the child's opinion but also sets reasonable limits and explains her decisions.

If you are considering your own parenting style, remember that democratic parenting involves finding a balance between allowing the child to voice their opinions and desires, while also setting appropriate boundaries and teaching important life skills.