A notice of use & and & disclosure is required for

A. Every patient a doctor treats.
B. New patients,but not established patients.
C. patients whose personal health information the doctor intends to disclose.
D. Patients treated for sensitive conditions, such as substance abuse or mental illness.

To determine which option is correct, we need to understand the purpose of a notice of use and disclosure.

A notice of use and disclosure is a document that informs patients about how their personal health information (PHI) will be used and disclosed by their healthcare provider. It is usually required by law, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States.

Option A states that the notice is required for every patient a doctor treats. While it is a good practice to provide a notice to every patient, it might not be required for every patient. Therefore, we can eliminate this option as potentially incorrect.

Option B states that the notice is required for new patients but not established patients. This option is plausible because new patients should be informed about the use and disclosure of their health information. However, it does not cover the entire scope of patients whose information may be disclosed, so we can eliminate this option as potentially incorrect.

Option C states that the notice is required for patients whose personal health information the doctor intends to disclose. This option accurately represents the purpose of a notice of use and disclosure. The notice should be provided to patients when their information is going to be shared with third parties or used in certain circumstances. Therefore, option C is a plausible answer.

Option D states that the notice is required for patients treated for sensitive conditions, such as substance abuse or mental illness. While it is important to provide extra protection for patients with sensitive conditions, a notice of use and disclosure is not limited to these patients alone. Therefore, we can eliminate this option as potentially incorrect.

Therefore, based on our analysis, option C - patients whose personal health information the doctor intends to disclose - is the most accurate answer. However, it is worth noting that specific laws and regulations may vary depending on the jurisdiction, so it is always important to consult the applicable regulations in your specific context.