20 fl oz/min = __ qt/day

answer: 1qt/4 day?

recall these conversions:

1 qt = 32 fl oz
1 day = 24 hours = 24*60 minutes

using dimensional analysis to cancel units:
(20 oz)*(1 qt/32 oz) = 20/32 = 5/8 qt
(1/1 min)*(24*60 min/1 day) = 24*60/day

now multiply them (units in qt/day):

how do you multiply fractions and numbers?

idk. Well 24 x 60 is 1440.

right, 24*60 = 1440

then 1440 * 5/8 = ?

how would I do that?

since 1440 is a whole number, you can rewrite it as

1440 = 1440/1
*any whole number divided by 1 is itself.

then multiply fractions like normal multiplication,,
numerator: number above the line,
denominator: number below the line,

numerator times numerator, and
denominator times denominator
1440/1 * 5/8 = ?
let me see your work.

I got 900 is that right? And if so would it e 990 qt/day or 900 qt/1day?

Right~! :)

qt/day is fine. no need to write 1.