20 fl oz/min = ____ qt/day

recall these conversions:

1 qt = 32 fl oz
1 day = 24 hours = 24*60 minutes

using dimensional analysis to cancel units:
(20 oz)*(1 qt/32 oz) = 20/32 = 5/8 qt
(1/1 min)*(24*60 min/1 day) = 24*60/day

now multiply them (units in qt/day):
(5/8)*(24*60) = ?

hope this helps.

so the answer is 1440 qt/day?

and if so could it be 1440 qt/ 1 day?

no,, check again your multiplication.

To convert from fluid ounces per minute to quarts per day, we first need to understand the conversion factors involved:

1 fluid ounce (fl oz) = 0.03125 U.S. quarts (qt)
1 day = 1440 minutes

Now, let's proceed with the conversion step by step:

Step 1: Convert from fluid ounces per minute to fluid ounces per day:
To do this, multiply the given value of 20 fluid ounces per minute by the number of minutes in a day (1440 minutes).

20 fl oz/min * 1440 min/day = 28,800 fl oz/day

Step 2: Convert from fluid ounces to quarts:
Since 1 fluid ounce is equal to 0.03125 quarts, we can convert from fluid ounces to quarts by dividing the number of fluid ounces by 0.03125.

28,800 fl oz/day / 0.03125 qt/fl oz = 921,600 qt/day

Therefore, 20 fluid ounces per minute is equivalent to 921,600 quarts per day.