the title of the story"Roman Fever' is an example of

a. symbol allegory
c.verbal irony
d.situational irony

It can't be b or d since those refer to more than just a title.

What do you think? a? or c?

To determine the answer, one can analyze the title "Roman Fever" and its possible literary significance.

First, let's understand the definitions of the given options:

a. Symbol: A symbol is an object, person, or situation that represents deeper meanings beyond its literal interpretation.
b. Allegory: An allegory is a story or narrative where characters and events represent ideas or concepts, typically with moral or political implications.
c. Verbal Irony: Verbal irony occurs when a speaker says something that intentionally contrasts with their intended meaning, often for humorous or emphatic effect.
d. Situational Irony: Situational irony is when the outcome of a situation differs significantly from what was expected or intended.

From analyzing the title "Roman Fever," it is clear that it does not fit the definitions of allegory, verbal irony, or situational irony. The title does not seem to represent a hidden story with symbolic or moral implications, nor does it convey a situation where the outcome is unexpected or ironic.

Thus, the most fitting answer is a. Symbol. The title "Roman Fever" could be seen as symbolic, potentially representing a broader concept or theme within the story. To further understand the symbolic nature of the title, one would need to read and dissect the story itself.