when using the word "inveigh"

-can I put to "inveigh" against (something)

is the word against used in the right context



Yes, you can use "inveigh" with the preposition "against" to convey a sense of strong criticism, protest, or opposition towards something. It is indeed used in the correct context.

To find out if a particular preposition is commonly used with a word, you can consult a dictionary or a reliable language resource. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by searching for the word you are interested in studying. In this case, search for "inveigh."

2. Look for a reputable dictionary or language resource. Online dictionaries like Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or Cambridge Dictionary are good choices.

3. Access the entry for "inveigh" in the chosen dictionary. Read the definition and any explanatory notes provided.

4. Next, look for examples or usage notes that showcase how "inveigh" is commonly used in sentences. Pay attention to the prepositions commonly used with it.

In this case, you'll likely find that "inveigh against" is a common collocation. The dictionary will provide examples and show that it fits within the appropriate context.

Remember, using dictionaries and language resources can provide accurate information and help you understand how words are commonly used in context.