Can you tell me what type of essay I would be writing in response to this statement: "What, if anything, is significant about an issue--expressed in a claim?" My instructor told us to write an essay to this question.

A "claim" is usually the term for the thesis statement when writing a persuasive essay or argument:
Scroll down to Types/Genres... to find more about persuasion and argument.
Use the left column as the table of contents.
These links are meant for teachers to use with their students, but you can pick up some excellent ideas here, too.

(Broken Link Removed)


I should have included this link, too:


Very unclear question! It will be very difficult to write an essay on this.

Based on the statement provided, "What, if anything, is significant about an issue--expressed in a claim?" it appears that you would be writing an essay in response to an argumentative or persuasive prompt.

To understand the type of essay you would be writing, it's important to analyze the language used in the statement. The mention of an "issue" and a "claim" suggests that you will be exploring a specific topic or problem and presenting a stance or viewpoint on it.

In an argumentative essay, you will be required to present evidence and reasoning to support your claim or viewpoint while addressing counterarguments. You need to clearly articulate your position and provide logical and convincing arguments to persuade the reader.

To prepare for writing this type of essay, it is helpful to review resources that can provide guidance and examples. The links provided include reputable sources such as Purdue OWL, Washington College, Web English Teacher, and These resources offer valuable information on different types of essays, including argumentative essays, explaining the elements, structure, and techniques used.

Make sure to carefully read the prompt, consider the significance of the issue highlighted, and develop a clear and concise claim or thesis statement. Structuring your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion will help present your arguments effectively.

Remember to gather credible evidence and examples to support your claim, address any opposing viewpoints, and provide a strong conclusion that reinforces your stance.

Good luck with your essay, and I hope this information helps you in writing a well-crafted and persuasive argumentative essay.