You ave decided to conduct a survey on whether a given political candidate will be popular with Latino voters.What is an advantage of the survey method?What is a disadvantage of the survey method?

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An advantage of the survey method for your research on the popularity of a political candidate with Latino voters is that it allows you to collect large amounts of data from a diverse sample. Surveys provide a structured approach for collecting information from a large number of respondents, which can help ensure that your findings are representative of the broader Latino voting population. Additionally, surveys can be done online, over the phone, or in person, making them flexible and accessible to a wide range of participants.

However, there are also disadvantages to consider when using the survey method. One disadvantage is the potential for response bias, wherein respondents may not provide accurate or truthful responses due to social desirability bias or other reasons. People may be reluctant to express their true opinions about a particular political candidate if they fear that it may be socially inappropriate or unpopular. Moreover, surveys rely on self-reported data, which can be subject to memory lapses or other cognitive biases that affect the accuracy of responses. Additionally, creating effective survey questions and ensuring that they are culturally appropriate to capture the nuances of Latino voters can be challenging. It's important to carefully design and validate your survey instrument to minimize potential biases and inaccuracies.