You have decided to use the case study method to investigate a mother's experience in raising a child with autism.What is an advantage of the case study method?What is a disadvantage of the case study method?

You have decided to use the case study method to investigate a mother’s experience in raising a child with autism

The case study method is a research approach that involves a detailed analysis of a particular individual, group, or situation. In your case, you have chosen to investigate a mother's experience in raising a child with autism using this method. Let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the case study method.

One major advantage of the case study method is its in-depth and detailed nature. By focusing on a single case, you can gather a wealth of information about the unique experiences, behaviors, and challenges faced by the mother and the child with autism. This method allows for a comprehensive examination of the specific context, contributing factors, and the impact of the mother's experiences on her parenting strategies and overall well-being. These rich insights can provide a nuanced understanding of the complex nature of raising a child with autism.

On the other hand, a disadvantage of the case study method is that it may lack generalizability. Since case studies focus on a specific individual or a small group, the findings cannot be easily generalized to a larger population. The uniqueness of each case limits the ability to make broad generalizations or draw conclusions that apply to everyone. Consequently, the results from a case study cannot be directly applied to other individuals or situations without further research or validation.

Overall, while the case study method offers a deep understanding of complex and specific phenomena, researchers must carefully consider the limitations and potential lack of generalizability when choosing this approach for their investigations.