What is the horizontal asymptote of f(x)=x/(x-1)^2

It is supposed to be y=0 but then I even know that b/d is the horizontal asymptote, in this since there is no b, it would be 0/1 which is 0

is the above reasoning correct?

horizontal asymptote occurs where the value of x is restricted,,

n the given function f(x)=x/(x-1)^2, what value of x is restricted?

oops i got it wrong

horizontal asymptote occurs where the value of y is restricted,,
so in the given function f(x)= y = x/(x-1)^2, what value of y is restricted?

your function expanded is

f(x) = x/(x^2 - 2x + 1)

For a horizontal asymptote we look at what happens to the function as x ---> infinity.

Use an intuitive approach ...
as x becomes very large, say x = 1 million, the denominator becomes large much faster than the numerator.
So you have a division by a hugely large number resulting in a number close to zero
So when x ---> + infinity, f(x) ---> +0 (still above the x-axis)
wen x ---> - infinity , f(x) ----> -0 (slightly below the x-axis)

is it that the y-value is restricted to being positive. sine the horizontal asymptote has an equation of y=0.

horizontal asymptote:

y = 0 , as x approaches plus/minus infinity

Your reasoning is partially correct. In order to determine the horizontal asymptote of a function, you need to analyze the behavior of the function as x approaches positive or negative infinity.

For the function f(x) = x/(x-1)^2, you can start by considering the degree of the numerator and denominator. Both the numerator and denominator have a degree of 1, since the highest power of x is 1 in both cases.

When the degrees of the numerator and denominator are equal, you need to compare the coefficients of the highest power of x. In this case, the coefficient of x in the numerator is 1, and the coefficient of x in the denominator is 1 as well.

Since the coefficients are equal, this means that x/x = 1 as x approaches infinity or negative infinity. Therefore, the horizontal asymptote is y = 1.

However, this is not the same as y = 0. The value of b/d is not applicable here because the function does not have a constant term (b) in the numerator. Instead, it has a linear term (x). Thus, you cannot use the b/d rule in this particular case.

To summarize, the correct horizontal asymptote of f(x) = x/(x-1)^2 is y = 1.