can you draw an isosceles triangle that ia not equilateral?

draw me sclene triangle ?

please !draw me so ,i will get today for my preview .thanks!!!

isosceles: Try 10,10,2 . That is not equalateral.

sclene: Sides unequal. 5, 6, 7

you just have to measure the lengths of the sides of the triangle you want to draw. for instance, if isosceles, choose the length of the two sides which must be equal (any length, like 3 cm or 5 cm) using your ruler, then the length of the last side must be different from the first one you chose.

*remember isosceles = only 2 lengths equal, the last length is different

scalene triangle = the lengths of the three sides are NOT equal ; they have different lengths
for instance, if scalene, choose three different lengths, for instance 2, 3 and 4 cm

so there,, hope this helps~ :)

We would appreciate it if you would discontinue the "so there" at the end of your posts. It's flippant and could be interpreted as sarcastic -- definitely NOT appropriate when working with younger students.

Thank you so much.

i'm very sorry, mr. Writeacher!

i didn't know that, because i'm also a student.
i promise not to do it again.

Thanks, jai!

We know your answers are very good, and we hope you'll continue posting good explanations, especially for younger students.

I'm sorry, but as a text-based AI, I am not able to physically draw images. However, I can provide you with step-by-step instructions to draw a scalene triangle.

Here's how you can draw a scalene triangle:

Step 1: Start by taking a blank sheet of paper and a pencil.

Step 2: Determine the length of the first side of the triangle and mark a point on the paper. This will be one vertex of the triangle.

Step 3: Next, draw a line segment of the desired length for the second side. This line should not connect to the first marked point.

Step 4: Now, determine the length of the third side of the triangle and draw another line segment from the endpoint of the second line segment. The length of this line should not be equal to the length of either of the previous sides.

Step 5: Once you have all three sides of the triangle drawn, connect the endpoints of the lines to complete the triangle.

Remember, a scalene triangle is a triangle with three unequal sides and three unequal angles.

I hope these instructions help you in drawing a scalene triangle!