Square root of x is the equation.

down seven
reflected over y axis
left five

square root of negitive x+5)-7
negitive square root of x+5)-7
square root of x-5)-7
square root of x+5)+7

IM not getting any of these HELP!!!

To help you understand how to translate the given equation, let's break it down step by step.

1. "Down seven" means that we need to subtract 7 from the original equation. So, the first step is to subtract 7 from the equation: square root of x.

Result: square root of x - 7

2. Next, we have to reflect the equation over the y-axis. This means that we need to change the sign of the x-term. Since there is no x-term present in the original equation, we can add an x-term with a coefficient of -1 (to change the sign) to the translated equation.

Result: negative square root of x - 7

3. Finally, "left five" means that we need to shift the equation five units to the left. This can be achieved by adding 5 to the x-term in the equation.

Result: negative square root of (x + 5) - 7

Thus, the translation of the original equation "Square root of x" down seven, reflected over the y-axis, and left five is: negative square root of (x + 5) - 7.