What nees to be done to correct this sentence?

Do you know who said,"Genius iS a an immense capacity for hard work"?

A. The sentence is correctly punctuated.
B. Place the question mark inside the final quotation mark.
C. Change the comma to a colon.

Please read this site.


The answer is B!

Yes, it's B -- and you need to put a space between the comma and the opening quotation marks.


what is the least common and most common rare earth elements?

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To determine the least common and most common rare earth elements, you would typically consult a reliable source such as a scientific reference book or a reputable website that specializes in rare earth elements. One option is to search for this information on the website of a trusted scientific organization or educational institution.

Since I cannot access the internet or view specific sources, I am unable to provide you with the exact answer. However, based on general knowledge, some of the most common rare earth elements include cerium, lanthanum, and neodymium. On the other hand, some of the least common rare earth elements include promethium, thulium, and lutetium.

If you want a more accurate and up-to-date answer, I recommend conducting a search on a reliable resource or consulting experts in the field of rare earth elements.