This number has 4 places to the right of the decimal point. It has 2 hundreds, 3 ten thousandths, and 1 tenth. It is in between 240 and 242. The thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths and less than the hundredths. What are six numbers that match this data


The missing digit you should be able to find when you figure out what word(s) you forgot to type above.."the thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths and (?) less than the hundredths.

To find the six numbers that match the given data, let's break down the information provided:

1. The number has 4 decimal places, meaning it will be in the form of, where x represents a digit.
2. It has 2 hundreds, so that means the hundreds place will be 2.
3. It has 3 ten thousandths, so the ten thousandths place will be 3.
4. It has 1 tenth, which means the tenths place will be 1.
5. The number is between 240 and 242, so the overall number will be greater than 240 and less than 242.
6. The thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths and less than the hundredths.

Taking into account all of this information, we can come up with the following six numbers that match the given data:

1. 240.231 (2 hundreds, 3 ten thousandths, 1 tenth)
2. 240.321 (2 hundreds, 3 ten thousandths, 2 tenths)
3. 241.231 (2 hundreds, 3 ten thousandths, 1 tenth)
4. 241.321 (2 hundreds, 3 ten thousandths, 2 tenths)
5. 241.122 (2 hundreds, 1 thousandth, 2 tenths)
6. 241.212 (2 hundreds, 1 thousandth, 2 tenths)

Please note that while these six numbers meet the given criteria, there might be more possible numbers that fulfill the given conditions.