all northern states outlawed slavery by state constitution in 1820. what effect did this have on sectionalism in america?

It further divided the country.

The statement that "all northern states outlawed slavery by state constitution in 1820" is not entirely accurate. While it is true that some northern states began to take steps toward ending slavery around that time, not all of them had fully abolished it by 1820. Additionally, the process of abolishing slavery varied among the northern states, with some implementing gradual emancipation plans and others enacting immediate abolition.

That being said, the gradual abolition of slavery in the northern states did have an impact on sectionalism in America during the 19th century. Sectionalism refers to the division of the United States along regional lines, mainly between the North and the South, with different economic, social, and political interests.

The abolition of slavery in the North contributed to the growing divide between the two regions. As the northern states outlawed slavery, they began to distance themselves from the southern states that continued to practice it. This divergence in societal and economic practices increased the tensions between the North and the South, as the issue of slavery became an even more prominent and contentious topic of discussion.

The contrasting views on slavery between the North and the South fueled sectionalism, exacerbating tensions that would eventually lead to the Civil War. The northern states' abolitionist sentiment and their commitment to the ideals of freedom and equality clashed with the South's reliance on slave labor and their defense of states' rights to determine their own social and economic systems.

It is important to note that sectionalism in America during this time period was influenced by factors beyond just slavery. Economic differences, political disagreements, and cultural distinctions also played significant roles in shaping regional identities and the growing divide between the North and the South. Slavery, however, remained a central issue that heightened sectional tensions and ultimately played a major role in the outbreak of the Civil War.