· Examine the sculptures of Donatello’s David (Early Renaissance), Michelangelo’s David (High Renaissance), and Bernini’s David (Baroque).

· Write a 300- to 350-word comparison of the different styles of the David sculptures by these three artists.

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To compare the different styles of the David sculptures by Donatello, Michelangelo, and Bernini, you will need to examine their works in detail and consider various aspects of their art. Here's how you can do it:

1. Research the sculptures: Start by gathering information about each artist's David sculpture. Look for images, descriptions, historical context, and any available scholarly analysis. This will give you a solid foundation to understand their works.

2. Analyze the subject matter: Begin your comparison by examining the subject matter of each sculpture. Consider the pose and the story it tells. For instance, Donatello's David portrays a youthful figure standing victoriously over the head of Goliath, while both Michelangelo and Bernini depict David about to engage in battle.

3. Evaluate the physical characteristics: Focus on the physical attributes of the sculptures. Assess the facial expressions, body proportions, and muscular details. Does Donatello's David show a more delicate and youthful appearance compared to the robust and idealized figures presented by Michelangelo and Bernini? Look for differences in texture, realism, and level of detail.

4. Observe the composition and pose: Consider the positioning of the sculptures and how they interact with their environment. Note the contrapposto, which refers to the figure's weight shift that creates a natural and dynamic pose. How does each artist handle this technique? Does Donatello's figure have a more relaxed and graceful pose compared to the intense and dramatic pose of Michelangelo's figure?

5. Analyze the artistic style and influence: Consider the broader artistic style in which each sculpture was created. Donatello's David is regarded as an Early Renaissance piece, characterized by a return to classical forms and the exploration of humanism. Michelangelo's David, from the High Renaissance, represents a focus on idealized beauty and the mastery of anatomy. Bernini's David, a Baroque sculpture, showcases the dynamism and emotion typical of the era.

6. Discuss the impact and significance: Conclude your comparison by discussing the impact of each sculpture and their significance in the development of Renaissance and Baroque art. Consider how each artist's style and choices influenced later sculptors and the evolution of artistic traditions.

By following these steps, you will be able to gather the necessary information to write a comprehensive and insightful comparison of Donatello's, Michelangelo's, and Bernini's David sculptures. Remember to support your points with specific examples and evidence from your research.