2. The Geneeva Protocols outlawed "weapons of mass destruction." Give three reasons why you think this policy was correct.

Need help answering this.

Haven't found an answer through those sites...


You're not going to find reasons on the Internet why YOU think this policy is correct. I see several reasons why others agree with this policy in the sites posted by Sra.

Here's a good summary of the Geneva Protocols. Read it carefully and then decide why YOU believe the policy is right.


To provide three reasons why the policy of outlawing weapons of mass destruction, as enshrined in the Geneva Protocols, was deemed correct, you can consider the following points:

1. Preservation of Human Life: One key reason for considering this policy as correct is the focus on protecting and preserving human life. Weapons of mass destruction have the potential to cause immense casualties and catastrophic damage to both combatants and civilians. By outlawing such weapons, the Geneva Protocols seek to prevent the loss of innocent lives and minimize the overall suffering during conflicts.

2. Ethical and Moral Imperative: Banning weapons of mass destruction aligns with the ethical principles that prioritize the well-being and dignity of individuals. These weapons, including nuclear, chemical, and biological ones, cause indiscriminate harm, and their use is often seen as a violation of fundamental human rights and humanitarian principles. By outlawing these weapons, the protocols establish a standard of conduct that promotes respect for human life and avoids unnecessary suffering.

3. Global Security and Stability: The prohibition on weapons of mass destruction in the Geneva Protocols also aims to maintain global security and stability. The possession and use of these weapons can escalate conflicts, create an arms race, and potentially spark widespread destruction. By prohibiting such weapons, the protocols contribute to preventing the proliferation and spread of these dangerous armaments, thus ensuring greater security and reducing the risk of devastating conflicts.

While these reasons provide a basis for considering the policy correct, it is essential to note that opinions on this matter may vary, and different perspectives exist on the effectiveness and extent of enforcing such bans.