The birth weights of 4 childeren were 7 pounds 2 ounces, 6 pounds 10 ounces, 8 pounds 5 ounces, 7 pounds 9 ounces. Luis estimated the totall wieight of te babies at birth was 30 pounds. Which best describes his estiamte?

A. More than the actual weight because he round to the nearest ounce.
B. Less than the actual weight because he rounded to the nearest ounce.
C. Less than the actual weight becsuse he rounded to the nearest pound.
D. More than the actual weight because he rounded to the nearest pound.
Is it C?

summing pounds: 7+6+8+7 = 28 pounds

summing ounces: 2+10+5+9 = 26 ounces
since 16 ounces = 1 pound,
26 ounces = 26/16 = 1.625 pounds
total wight = 28+1.625 = 29.625 pounds,,
therefore, 30 is greater than 29.625,
--> i think it's letter A

To find out if Luis' estimate is more or less than the actual weight, we need to convert the birth weights of the four children from pounds and ounces into a single unit, either just pounds or just ounces.

First, let's convert the weights to a consistent unit, let's say pounds. We can do this by converting the ounces to pounds:

- 7 pounds 2 ounces = 7 + (2 / 16) = 7.125 pounds
- 6 pounds 10 ounces = 6 + (10 / 16) = 6.625 pounds
- 8 pounds 5 ounces = 8 + (5 / 16) = 8.3125 pounds
- 7 pounds 9 ounces = 7 + (9 / 16) = 7.5625 pounds

Next, let's calculate the sum of these weights:

7.125 + 6.625 + 8.3125 + 7.5625 = 29.625 pounds

The actual weight of the babies at birth is 29.625 pounds.

Now, let's assess Luis' estimate. He estimated the total weight to be 30 pounds. Since his estimate is greater than the actual weight, we can conclude that his estimate is more than the actual weight.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A, more than the actual weight because he rounded to the nearest ounce.