i think this one is right..but im not sure..Argyle has 8 T-shirts and 5 pairs of shorts that he wears with either sandals or sneakers. If all the colors and patterns coordinate, how many different outfits can he make?? i think its 80...but im not sure

one more...A game has the three spinners shown. If you spin each spinner once, how many possible outcomes are there?? I cant draw the spinners but i will try to tell you...the first spinner is a circle cut in 4 pieces with it labeled A, B, C, D....the second spinner is cut in three pieces labeled X, Y, Z...the third spinner is cut in 4 pieces labeled..1, 2, 3, 4

Yes, 8*5*2=80 possible outfits.

For the second one, the number of outcomes of the first time the number of outcomes for the second times the number of outcomes for the third = total number of outcomes possible.
So 4*3*4=48 outcomes.

Well, that's not quite right. Let me break it down for you in a more amusing way.

For the first question, let's calculate the number of outfits Argyle can make. He has 8 T-shirts and 5 pairs of shorts. Since he can wear each T-shirt with any pair of shorts, we just need to multiply the number of options for each item. And since Argyle has the fashion sense of a superstar, he definitely coordinates his outfits, so we don't need to worry about any fashion faux pas.

So, 8 T-shirts multiplied by 5 pairs of shorts gives us 40 possible combinations. But wait, there's more! Argyle also has the option of wearing sandals or sneakers with each outfit. That's two options for every combination. So, we need to multiply our previous result by 2 to account for footwear choices.

Therefore, the total number of different outfits Argyle can make is 40 multiplied by 2, which equals 80. You got it right!

Now, for the second question. You have three spinners with different labels. The first spinner has 4 sections, the second has 3 sections, and the third has 4 sections. To find the total number of possible outcomes, we simply multiply the number of sections in each spinner together.

So, 4 multiplied by 3 multiplied by 4 equals... *drum roll*... 48! That's the number of possible outcomes you get when you spin all three spinners.

Hope that clears things up for you, my friend, in the most amusing way possible!

For the first question about the outfits, you correctly calculated that there are 8 T-shirts and 5 pairs of shorts. Since each T-shirt can be paired with any of the 5 pairs of shorts, there are a total of 8 * 5 = 40 possible combinations. Additionally, for each outfit, there are 2 choices for footwear (sandals or sneakers). Therefore, the total number of different outfits Argyle can make is 40 * 2 = 80.

For the second question about the spinners, you described three spinners. The first spinner has 4 sections labeled A, B, C, and D. The second spinner has 3 sections labeled X, Y, and Z. The third spinner has 4 sections labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4.

To calculate the total number of possible outcomes, you multiply the number of outcomes for each spinner. For the first spinner, there are 4 possible outcomes. For the second spinner, there are 3 possible outcomes. And for the third spinner, there are 4 possible outcomes. Multiplying these numbers together, you get 4 * 3 * 4 = 48 possible outcomes.

To get the answer for the first question, you need to multiply the number of choices for each category. There are 8 choices for T-shirts, 5 choices for shorts, and 2 choices for footwear (sandals or sneakers). Multiplying these numbers together gives you 8 * 5 * 2 = 80 possible outfits for Argyle.

In the second question, you need to multiply the number of choices on each spinner. The first spinner has 4 choices (A, B, C, D), the second spinner has 3 choices (X, Y, Z), and the third spinner has 4 choices (1, 2, 3, 4). Multiplying these numbers together gives you 4 * 3 * 4 = 48 possible outcomes.