
this problem is getting me frustrated because the answer come up with is not an option. i come up with -1224.

145,70,28,and 4

Yikes! How are you getting that answer.

First off, you should learn that this class you are taking is math. It is not "please help me or take a look" class. :-) Moving on..

3-7= -4
+4 x -4 = -16
5-16 = -11

-3 x -11= 33
37 + 33 = ?

Remember, always do the brackets first, and if there's a bracket within another bracket, do the inside one first, then solve the outside bracket.

To solve the expression 37-3[5+4(3-7)], you need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly referred to as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

Start by simplifying the expression inside the parentheses:
3 - 7 = -4

Next, substitute the result back into the expression:
37 - 3[5 + 4(-4)]

Now, simplify the expression inside the square brackets:
4(-4) = -16
5 + (-16) = -11

Substitute the result back into the expression:
37 - 3(-11)

Next, perform the multiplication:
3 * (-11) = -33

Now, substitute the result back into the expression:
37 - (-33)

To subtract a negative number, you can rewrite it as addition:
37 + 33

Finally, perform the addition:
37 + 33 = 70.

Therefore, the answer to the expression 37-3[5+4(3-7)] is 70.