I am less than 100. The sum of my didgits is 4. Half of me is an odd number.

The answer is 22

The sum of the digits is 4.
It is less than 100
Half of that number is 11, which is odd

brandon is correct...

To find the number that meets these conditions, we can start with the first condition: being less than 100. Since the number is less than 100 and the sum of its digits is 4, we can narrow down our search.

Let's consider the possible two-digit numbers that have digits that sum up to 4: 13, 22, 31, 40.

Now we need to find a number where half of it is an odd number. Let's divide each of these numbers by 2 and check if the result is an odd number.

For 13 divided by 2, we get 6.5, which is not an odd number.

For 22 divided by 2, we get 11, which is an odd number.

For 31 divided by 2, we get 15.5, which is not an odd number.

For 40 divided by 2, we get 20, which is not an odd number.

So the only possible number that meets both conditions is 22, where half of it (11) is an odd number.