if the area of triangle QRS is 38 sq cm, what is the area of QRST?

If QRST is a rectangle, it must be double the area of the triangle.

To determine the area of triangle QRST, we would need additional information about the triangle. Could you please provide the length of one of the sides or the height of the triangle?

To find the area of triangle QRST, we need more information than just the area of triangle QRS. We need to know the relationship between triangle QRST and triangle QRS.

If triangle QRST is similar to triangle QRS, we can find the area of QRST using the following formula:

Area of QRST = (Area of QRS) * (Ratio of the areas)^2

However, if we don't have any information about the relationship between the two triangles, it is not possible to determine the area of QRST using the given information.