what is the elapsed time between 5:12am and6:05pm?

Split the time into two periods,

between 5:12 am to 12:00 noon, and from 12:00 noon and 6:05 pm.

12:00-5:12 = 4:48
6:05-12:00 = 6:05
Total = 10:53

The answer is 10:53

To calculate the elapsed time between 5:12am and 6:05pm, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert both times to a 24-hour format for simplicity.

Since 5:12am is in the morning, it remains the same as 05:12 in the 24-hour format.

To convert 6:05pm to the 24-hour format, add 12 to the hour because it is in the afternoon. 6 + 12 = 18. So, 6:05pm becomes 18:05 in the 24-hour format.

Step 2: Calculate the difference in hours between the two times.

Subtract the earlier time from the later time.

18:05 - 05:12 = 12 hours and 53 minutes.

Step 3: Convert the minutes to hours by dividing by 60.

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, divide the 53 minutes by 60.

53 minutes / 60 = 0.88 hours.

Step 4: Add the calculated hours to the hour difference from step 2.

12 hours + 0.88 hours = 12.88 hours.

So, the elapsed time between 5:12am and 6:05pm is approximately 12 hours and 53 minutes or 12.88 hours.