Every sentence in the paragraph below violates some principle of good persuasive writing. Revise the paragraph, following the directions at the end of each sentence; use your imagination where necessary. Type the revised paragraph in the text box provided below. CAUTION: BEFORE BEGINNING WORK, READ THE PARAGRAPH AND DIRECTIONS


The Honors Association in this school is all eggheads; they should do something practical for a change. (Eliminate the stereotype and state your opinion more reasonably.) Specifically, I recommend they buy the football team jackets each year. (Come up with a more appealing project for this audience.) This would meet a real need in our school. (Be more specific in this background statement.) The other clubs around here all do something. (Introduce a limiting word; give one or two specific examples to prove this fact.) The most important reason is that the members of the association claim that service to the school is one of their goals. (If it is so important, move this sentence and the next one to just before the call to action.) If they can't buy those jackets, they should just disband. (Include the project you used above; modify the either-or-approach.) Nonmembers think the association should be more active. (Use a transition to introduce this idea; add a limiting word; add authoritative opinion --perhaps from the officer of another club.) The faculty thinks the association should be more active. (Use a transition; add a limiting word; add authoritative opinion.) That is all I have to say. (Replace this with a forceful call to action.)

What is your question? The directions seem clear to me.

he Honors Association in this school is hard. Speifically, I recommend they do something to help the community

The Honors Association in this school should consider taking on a more practical project that goes beyond the stereotypical image of being solely for "eggheads." (Eliminate the stereotype and state your opinion more reasonably.) Instead, I suggest they undertake a community service initiative that benefits both the school and the wider community. (Come up with a more appealing project for this audience.) One such project could be organizing monthly volunteering activities in collaboration with local organizations. (Be more specific in this background statement.) For instance, they could partner with a homeless shelter or a food bank to provide much-needed support. (Introduce a limiting word; give one or two specific examples to prove this fact.) This project not only aligns with the association's goal of serving the school but also allows them to make a tangible impact on the lives of those in need. (If it is so important, move this sentence and the next one to just before the call to action.) If the association fails to engage in such meaningful projects, they risk losing their relevance and should consider disbanding. However, by taking on initiatives that contribute to the betterment of our community, they can prove their dedication and enhance their reputation. (Include the project you used above; modify the either-or approach.) Many nonmembers strongly believe that the association could be more active in their efforts, as evidenced by feedback received from the officer of another notable club. (Use a transition to introduce this idea; add a limiting word; add authoritative opinion --perhaps from the officer of another club.) Moreover, even the faculty shares this sentiment, stressing the need for the association to be more proactive. (Use a transition; add a limiting word; add authoritative opinion.) Together, we can ensure that the Honors Association becomes an influential force within the school community by spearheading impactful projects. (Replace this with a forceful call to action.) Let us collectively work towards making a difference and creating a lasting legacy.