what is an equation?

this is an equation in slope intercept form: y=mx+b

An equation has at least one variable and you want to find the product of it here is an example :

how to put 26,000 in a notation

An equation is a mathematical statement that shows the equality between two expressions. It consists of an equals sign (=) separating the two expressions, with variables, numbers, and mathematical operations. Equations are used to represent relationships and solve problems in various fields such as physics, engineering, finance, and more.

To understand equations, let's consider an example:

2x + 3 = 9

In this equation, the variable 'x' is unknown, and we need to find its value that satisfies the equation. To do this, we follow some steps:

Step 1: Simplify both sides of the equation by performing operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to isolate the variable. For example, we can start by subtracting 3 from both sides:

2x + 3 - 3 = 9 - 3
2x = 6

Step 2: Continue simplifying if needed. In this example, we can further isolate 'x' by dividing both sides by 2:

2x / 2 = 6 / 2
x = 3

So, in this equation, x = 3 is the solution that makes the equation true.

By understanding equations and solving them step by step, we can find unknown variables and solve mathematical problems.