Which example typifies patrillineal authority?

A) In the Gallindo family,the mother makes the majority of the decisions,
including how the children should be
raised and,when necessary,disciplined.

B) The Smith family consist of a mother
and a father and four children,with ages
ranging from five to fifteen. The family
prides itself on the effectiveness of
family meetings during which they discuss parent-child and child-child

C) Livan is a single,divorced dad. He has custody of his two sons every other weekend. While the boys are with him,
he conscientiously enforces the disciplinary rules set by his estranged wife.

D) Mr. and Mrs. Chang expect their children to develop a close relationship with their father's relatives,know his family history,
and accept their father's wishes
about their career choices.

I know that in many Asian cultures, the husband is head of the household, and
his responsibilities lie outside the home. Mothers take responsibility for
matters inside the home, including
child-rearing and finances.

I am kind of thinking D is the best answer,but not real sure,Please Help.

You're right. D is the answer. The word "patrilineal" means descent is traced through the father's side of the family. So -- patrilineal authority is not only a family where the father is the undisputed head of the household, but also where his family, especially the males, are very important.

To determine which example typifies patrilineal authority, we need to understand the concept of patrilineal authority. Patrilineal authority refers to a social system in which authority and inheritance are passed down through the male line, with fathers or male relatives holding decision-making power.

Let's analyze each option to see which one best exemplifies patrilineal authority:

A) In the Gallindo family, the mother makes the majority of the decisions, including child-rearing and discipline. This example does not align with a patrilineal authority system as it suggests that the mother has decision-making power, which contradicts the concept.

B) The Smith family holds family meetings to discuss parent-child and child-child problems. While this example focuses on open communication and including children in decision-making, it does not specifically highlight patrilineal authority.

C) Livan, a single and divorced dad, enforces the rules set by his estranged wife for his sons. This example does not demonstrate patrilineal authority since the mother's rules are still being enforced, not those of the father or his relatives.

D) Mr. and Mrs. Chang expect their children to develop a close relationship with their father's relatives, know his family history, and accept their father's wishes regarding career choices. This example aligns with patrilineal authority since it emphasizes the importance of the father's relatives, family history, and decision-making power regarding career choices.

Based on this analysis, option D is indeed the best answer and typifies patrilineal authority.