terri makes flower bouquets with exactly 3 roses and 5 daisies in each bouquet. she has 72 roses. how many daisies will she need to make the bouquets?

72/3 = 24 bouquets


To find out how many daisies Terri will need to make the flower bouquets, we first need to determine the total number of bouquets she can make with the available roses. Let's start by dividing the total number of roses by the number of roses used in each bouquet:

Total number of roses / Number of roses in each bouquet = Number of bouquets

72 roses / 3 roses per bouquet = 24 bouquets

So Terri can make a total of 24 bouquets using the 72 roses available.

Since each bouquet requires 5 daisies, we need to determine the total number of daisies needed for all the bouquets. To do that, we multiply the number of bouquets by the number of daisies in each bouquet:

Number of bouquets * Number of daisies per bouquet = Total number of daisies needed

24 bouquets * 5 daisies per bouquet = 120 daisies

Therefore, Terri will need a total of 120 daisies to make the bouquets.