american and japanese workers can each produce 4 cars a year.An American worker can produce 10 tons of grain a year,whereas a japanese worker can produce 5 ton of grain a keep things simple,assume that each country has 100 million workers.

To compare the productivity of American and Japanese workers in terms of car production and grain production, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total car production for each country:
- The number of American workers is 100 million, and each worker can produce 4 cars per year.
- Therefore, the total car production by American workers is 100 million workers * 4 cars/worker/year = 400 million cars per year.
- Similarly, the total car production by Japanese workers can be calculated using the same formula, as the number of Japanese workers is also 100 million.

Step 2: Calculate the total grain production for each country:
- The number of American workers is 100 million, and each worker can produce 10 tons of grain per year.
- Therefore, the total grain production by American workers is 100 million workers * 10 tons/worker/year = 1000 million tons of grain per year.
- Similarly, the total grain production by Japanese workers can be calculated using the same formula, as the number of Japanese workers is also 100 million.

Step 3: Compare the car and grain production between the two countries:
- By comparing the total car production, we find that both American and Japanese workers can produce the same amount, i.e., 400 million cars per year.
- However, when it comes to grain production, American workers produce 1000 million tons, while Japanese workers produce 500 million tons.

Therefore, American workers produce more cars and more grain compared to Japanese workers.