Classify each situation by the equation that would quantify it.

A. A container of ammonia cleaner is stored in the janitor's closet off a lecture hall after being used at night for cleaning. The container has a very small hole in the lid. The next morning the entire lecture hall smells of ammonia. How would you calculate the speed of the ammonia molecules as they move out into the lecture hall?
B. The pressure on a tire pump is read. The handle of the pump is pushed down as far as possible. The reading of the pressure on the gauge is taken again. How would you calculate the final pressure?
C. The burner under a hot air balloon is ignited and the balloon expands. How would you calculate the expanded volume of the balloon?
D. A front-end collision causes the air bag in an automobile to deploy by the reaction of sodium azide to produce nitrogen gas. How would you calculate how much sodium azide is needed to fill a standard size bag with nitrogen under STP conditions?
E. Aerosol cans have a label that warns the user not to use them above a certain temperature and not to dispose of them by incineration. Even an empty can contains residual gaseous propellant. If the residual pressure in the can is 1.31 atm when it is sitting on a shelf near a furnace, how could you calculate the pressure when the can is placed on top of the furnace where the temperature reaches the boiling point of water?
F. In an automobile engine, at the end of the upstroke the piston is at its maximum height in a cylinder of exact dimensions. At this time, a precisely measured mixture of fuel and oxidant ignites to form gaseous products. If the ignition temperature is known, how could you calculate the pressure inside the cylinder just before the piston moves downward?

Match with appropriate answers.

U=square root:(3RT/m)

Pleas help right now i have

a)=U=square root:(3RT/m)

I Know one of thems is wrong but I cant figure it out.


f) should be PV=nRT



To classify each situation by the equation that would quantify it, let's go through each situation one by one:

A. To calculate the speed of the ammonia molecules as they move out into the lecture hall, you would use the equation:

U = √(3RT/m)

So the equation for situation A is U = √(3RT/m).

B. To calculate the final pressure after pushing down the handle of a tire pump as far as possible, you would use the equation:

P1V1 = P2V2

So the equation for situation B is P1V1 = P2V2.

C. To calculate the expanded volume of the hot air balloon when the burner is ignited, you would use the equation:

(T1/V1) = (T2/V2)

So the equation for situation C is (T1/V1) = (T2/V2).

D. To calculate the amount of sodium azide needed to fill a standard size airbag with nitrogen under STP conditions, you would use the Ideal Gas Law equation:

PV = nRT

So the equation for situation D is PV = nRT.

E. To calculate the pressure of the aerosol can when it is placed on top of the furnace, you would use the equation:

(P1/T1) = (P2/V2)

So the equation for situation E is (P1/T1) = (P2/V2).

F. To calculate the pressure inside the cylinder just before the piston moves downward in the automobile engine, you would use the equation:

(P1/T1) = (P2/V2)

So the equation for situation F is (P1/T1) = (P2/V2).

So, after reviewing all the equations, it seems like you made a mistake in matching the equation to situation F. The correct equation for situation F should be P1V1 = P2V2.

Therefore, the correct matches are:
a) U = √(3RT/m)
b) P1V1 = P2V2
c) (T1/V1) = (T2/V2)
d) PV = nRT
e) (P1/T1) = (P2/V2)
f) P1V1 = P2V2