how to estimate with 1-digit divisors

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To estimate a division problem with 1-digit divisors, you can use rounding or compatible numbers. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to estimate using each method:

1. Rounding Method:
a. Identify the dividend (the number being divided) and divisor (the number you are dividing by).
b. Round the divisor to the nearest 10, 100, or 1000, depending on the level of approximation required. For 1-digit divisors, you can round to the nearest 10.
c. Perform the division operation using the rounded divisor. This will give you a rough estimate of the quotient.
d. Check if the estimate needs further adjustment. If it does, round the dividend to a compatible number so that the division becomes easier.
e. Subtract or add the necessary adjustment to obtain a more accurate estimate.

2. Compatible Numbers Method:
a. Identify the dividend and divisor like in the previous method.
b. Look for compatible numbers that are convenient to work with. For example, if the divisor is 7, a compatible number could be 10 since it is close and easy to divide by.
c. Divide the dividend by the compatible number to obtain a quick estimate of the quotient.
d. Adjust the estimate if necessary by considering the relationship between the divisor and the initial compatible number.

Remember, the estimation methods provide rough approximations and are not as precise as the exact division. They can be useful for quick mental calculations or getting a sense of the answer before performing the actual division.